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Educational Facilities

In universities, academies, colleges, schools and nurseries of all kinds, clear and precise communication between the tutor and student is fundamental to the learning process, so when this ability to communicate is impaired by unwanted noise levels, the learning process can be greatly inhibited.

Whisper Walls products, installed by Ace Acoustics, can solve these problems by reducing and managing the noise and, in addition, creating a pleasant and relaxing aural ambience.

Whisper Walls panels are predominantly used in sports halls and leisure centres in Absorber Class ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’. Panels are site fabricated and available with impact resistance.

Whisper Walls systems will perform excellently with surfaces that are both acoustically efficient, tackable and an option for impact resistant, making them very durable and resilient. They can be easily renewed, in any case of damage to the fabric facings.